Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Shizzle Chick 2006

Ok, I say we do this to get it off center. We need to break this down to the top 64 first. I would say to leave this up to one person to post the first list. Then we can have a week to modify the list with chicks we left off that those of you think should be on. After that is concluded I say we just draw out of a hat for the matchups. 1-16 bracket, 17-32 bracket, and so on.

Lets get this going. I'm ready to dream.

Puppy, can you not just send the invites for Greg and whoever to my email address and let me just set them up. That is the problem with all of our friends. They are lazy and think it's hard. If I take it upon myself to set them all up and just give them their user name and password, I can get them to participate. I'll sacrifice like this for the good of the Shizzle, and the future Shizzle Chick of 2006.

Thank you to all of my fans.


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