I know that we're all upset about the potential T.O. signing, but realistically I think the masses may be a little bit off. Don't get me wrong, I can't T.O. as much as anyone, however, and I think Seinfeld said it best, we're all just cheering for laundry. I remember when Dallas signed Deion and I hated the prospect of him coming to Dallas (this by the way is in no way intended to be a comparison between T.O. and Deion, but at the time I didn't like him at all) and it soured me on the Cowboys in general. But after the Cowboys won the Superbowl, what did I care, I was cheering for the laundry and not the players per se. Since Parcells' second year I haven't liked him at all, he seems to be just an average coach or rather, I don't know what makes him so great. I can't wait for the day that someone else comes into to town with some different ideas, but despite my dislike for him, I'm not going to stop cheering, it's a part of the game. It's also a pretty good reason why we should all be saving our duckets so that we can purchase the Cowboys in 20 years. By that time Stephen and Jr. will have completely run the team into the ground.
Blogging the Boys with other Cowboy news.
Cowboys Blog has other good tidbits.
Peter King is pretty good.
Victoria's Secret model is apparently a grirgin.
Adriana Lima is so incredibly hot that I think I just sharted out of my front side.
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